We partner with families to uphold Christ-centered values taught at home and church. Our loving, godly teachers strive to educate from a biblical worldview.
Student Life
We know that selecting a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. From ages 5 to 18, your child will spend more than 18,000 hours in school. Beyond family, few things impact a child more than their educational environment. These hours will shape their thoughts, habits, character, and future.
At UCA, we are committed to ensuring those hours are filled with a Christ-centered education, delivered by passionate, dedicated Christian educators. Our teachers are not only committed to academic excellence but also to mentoring and training your child with a heart for discipleship.
We partner with families to uphold Christ-centered values taught at home and church. Our loving, godly teachers strive to educate from a biblical worldview.
Smaller class sizes enable focused learning and higher expectations. We value building strong relationships with each student to teach, mentor, and train on a biblical foundation.
Our rigorous curriculum is presented through a Christ-centered lens, inspiring students to think critically and challenge cultural norms.
We offer a nurturing environment with a close-knit, family-like culture where students are recognized and valued for their true identity as children of God.
As you consider if UCA is a right fit for your family, we invite you to explore our application and enrollment information:
Call us: (952) 831-8686
Admissions Director
Admissions and Finance Assistant